Callie has spent every summer of her life at Kanakuk.  Like me, Callie got to grow up a Kamp kid and now she is getting to raise her son, Knox, as a Kamp kid.  She is the Women’s Director at K-Seven and Kamp is her “home” (even though she now spends the offseason in Texas).  She loves getting to spend her summers at K-Seven and has a unique perspective as she spends the day leading the girls’ Kamp and then gets to spend the evenings leading worship beside her husband, Erik.

The 4th of July is Callie’s favorite holiday and she and her brother have a deal that, no matter what, they will meet back at Kamp for the 4th. Along with her summer highlight of being princess at K-Kountry, the 4th has always held a special place in her memories.  

My three favorite answers that Callie gave me about her job were these:

What is the best part of your job?  

“I love getting to see life change happen in Kampers and staff as they walk in freedom and victory that comes through Christ. I also love getting to come alongside and help equip college girls to go out and live and share the gospel.”  

She also followed up with the fact that her job is so much about the heart:  

“My job is 100% relational. All summer I work with people at their best and at their worst but through it all, I get to point it all back to Jesus and the heart behind why we do everything at camp. When a counselor doesn’t agree with a policy, I get to communicate the heart behind it, when Kampers are disobedient I get to communicate the heart, when we are walking in sin we get to be reminded of the truth and God’s heart for us.”

And when I asked her about what her job looks like from day to day, she said,

“The main part of my job is dealing with conflict, behavior discipline and child protection issues. It’s a lot of heavy conversations and in the office work but then I get to go ride the slip and slide with kids and dance at a foam party…and I’m like, how is this a job?!”  

I love that!  Getting to be a Kamp director is fun and hectic and hard work, but at the end of the day, it is so much fun!!!

I asked Callie to tell me about her family and this is what she said:

“I have the best family! My husband Erik is amazing! He is a full-time worship leader and songwriter who has a heart for writing songs for the church that are rooted in scripture. Everything he does is for the glory of God and it’s been such a blast getting to see how our ministries work hand in hand. He’s my biggest fan and supporter and vice versa. We have a one-year-old named Knox and he’s 100% the coolest member of our family, he’s full of joy, going nonstop and an explorer/adventure seeker.”  

When Callie wants to unwind, she and Erik exercise together. She doesn’t get much free time, being the working mother of an active one-year-old, but if she had a free day she says, “I would want to relax at a spa, get a massage or facial, drink a cup of coffee and sit by the pool or beach with a precept study and my Bible.” 

A few things on Callie’s bucket list are to skydive, to see the pyramids, to take a European cruise and to see John Mayer at the Garden.  Callie prefers the beach over the mountains (and I have gotten to spend the last ten or so Christmases with her in Cabo), but she would love to go to the mountains in Banff Canada at some point.

These Callie Nieder fun facts will make a few of you laugh:

1. She broke her nose tubing with some friends and she reset it herself before going to the hospital.  (Who does that?)

2. When she moves, she has to unpack everything that day or else it stresses her out.

3. She has never had a cavity.

Staff Spotlight: Callie Nieder Callie is one of the most joy-filled women you will ever meet.  She overflows with God’s joy and her love for others comes out of that joy.  She is a grateful daughter, a loving wife and a super fun mom. I have loved getting to watch Callie grow up and I am so thankful that the ladies of K-Seven get to follow her lead every summer.

Jamie Jo Braner, Director of Alumni Engagement

Staff Spotlight