Office Spotlight: Tracy Sherrow

I want to introduce you all to one of my favorite people “behind the scenes” at Kanakuk. Many of you know her because she has been a Kanakuk staple for 35 years. If you have a child at K-2, then you have probably talked to her because she gets to spend most of her time talking to K-2 parents since she is the dedicated K-2 registrar. Her name is Tracy Sherrow, and she is one of the happiest, funniest, toughest and most joyful people I have ever met. She is one of those people whose joy literally radiates out of her face, and I am so thankful that I have gotten to grow up knowing and loving Tracy.
Tracy is the mother of two beautiful daughters who love her fiercely and she is a grandmother times two as well. I got to ask Tracy some fun questions and I cannot wait to share the answers with you. . . .
I asked her, “What is one thing that most people probably don’t know about you?” The answer she gave me was classic Tracy, filled with light-hearted humor and accompanied by a great laugh. She responded that most people don’t know that she is not actually 39. I start with that seemingly “small” answer so that you can have a peek into how fun it is to know Tracy Sherrow.

Tracy loves a day on the lake with her girls. She prefers the quiet and peace of the lake (or a beach) over the crazy excitement of a roller coaster. Her ideal day would be waking up without an alarm, grabbing some quiet time with a cup of coffee and then being at the lake with her family. As a child, Tracy dreamed of being a Mommy and she is a great one. Her girls love her so much and she would do anything for either one of them. She told me that if she could be any animal, she would be a panda because they are cute and cuddly but they will fight viciously for their cubs. There you have it; Tracy in a nutshell.
I asked her to describe what she does at Kanakuk without using “professional” terms and I love her answer. She said that she gets to connect with generations of Kanakuk families (you, our alumni) and help them have a wonderful Kamp experience from the very beginning. She said that her favorite part of her job is to help people and to make them feel good. If you’ve talked to Tracy on the phone, you know that she does this well. I love sitting in her office hearing her talking to our Kamp parents. She’s amazing at loving people well.
Because Kankauk is so personal to me and is literally my family, Tracy is like family. I asked her why she loves Kanakuk so much and she said, “It’s my family. We laugh together, cry together and WE make a difference–Kanakuk isn’t just a Kamp, it is a FAMILY.” I couldn’t agree more.
If Tracy could spend one day with anyone from Kanakuk (past or present), she chose my Gran’ma, Darnell (me too, Tracy). She described Darnell as a lady who had more class than anyone she has ever known. Tracy said that she learned so much from Darnell and she loved listening to her stories. She even said that she wishes Darnell was still around because she still could learn so much from her. Tracy admired my grandparents’ love story. She said that their love story is the way God intended it to be. (Amen.)
She said that Debbie-Jo is her Kanakuk hero. She loves that my mom is so determined and such a hard worker and yet she will drop anything if someone comes in to ask her a question. Tracy gets to share an office with my mom during the summer, and she has watched, for 35 years my mom juggle Kamp, a home and a family with the most “precious spirit and love for Christ.” Tracy mentioned that my mom never shows the weariness that must be there with all she juggles and Tracy loves that my mom will stop everything to listen intently (and laugh) as Tracy shares a story, no matter the significance. Tracy said, “DJ is the BEST at being a wife, mother, GoGo and friend,” and I must agree 100%.
Tracy would love to ask my dad if he has ever been scared. She knows that he has been through so much with his health and he always seems so brave. She wants to know that even in his faithfulness to God, is he ever scared? Tracy has been at Kamp since it was small and I remember my dad always talking about her. She is loved dearly by our family, and I love that she wonders about him with such honesty.
Y’all, if you have to call Kamp with a registration question and you get to talk to Tracy, enjoy laughing with her and enjoy being cared for by her. She is the best and I am so thankful for her being a part of our family for most of my life! Kanakuk is better because Tracy Sherrow is on the other end of the phone!
Jamie Jo Braner, Director of Alumni Engagement